=>All Vehicles/Tracks: Hold CNTRL II: [L]+[R]+Z as you turn on the system and
keep them held down. Press PAD II: U+cD when PUSH START flashes on the
screen, then press CNTRL I: [START] before the title screen vanishes.
=>Bonus Vehicles:
* N64 Controller Car: Finish the time attack mode with a time ending with
.064 seconds.
* Prowler: Use the Hornet to get 1st place in Expert mode.
* Vengeance: Beat the game in 1st on expert with the Avenger.
* Reaper: Beat the game in 1st on expert with the Shredder.
* Dominator: Beat the game using the Black Lightning on expert.
=>Turbo Start: Hold A+B until the announcer says "Go," then release B.
=>Neo Speedway: Beat Grand Prix at intermediate, earning 1st on each course
to get the Neo Speedway available.
=>China Town: Earn 1st place on all expert Grand Prix tracks for the China
Town Jam Track.
=>Turbo Boost: During the race, hold A, then drift hard left or right while
holding Z. Release both buttons for a burst.
=>Color Change: On the selection screen, press [R].
=>Bikini Beach Secret: At the end of Bikini Beach, fly into the waterfall to
get an energy recharge in the recovery tube.
=>Starting Boost: Hold A+B and release A when the announcer says "Go!"
=>Credits Tip: Hold [START] to zoom through the credits.